Agent banking is a limited scale banking and financial service for those living in remote areas across the country through engaging the Agents under a valid agency agreement, rather than a teller or cashier, according to Bangladesh Bank agent banking guideline. Agents/Sub-agents will be the owner of an outlet who conducts Banking Transactions on behalf of a Bank. The agent banking option offers a new and convenient channel through which banks can extend services to unbanked and underserved population of the country for financial inclusion as well as cost minimization.


Agent banking has been able to get such popularity mainly for its simplicity to the clients and cost-effectiveness for the banks. According to a research paper titled, “Alternative delivery channel: Opportunities and challenges of the new banking environment” by Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM), agent banking has become popular because of its benefits for both the banks and clients, while the country’s economy is also being benefited through financial inclusion.

In emerging markets and rural areas, traditional banks have a hard time reaching customers. Opening and operating traditional bank branches is often not cost-effective. Operating a bank branch entails having at least one teller at the front desk, a bank manager, bank employees specializing in e.g., mortgages and loans, and security.

Bangladesh is a massively peopled country located in South Asia which is bordered by India, Burma and Bay of Bengal. According to most recent statistics and data, Bangladesh is the eight-most populous country in the world and the population is much more than 160 million people. Majority of these people lives in rural areas and agricultural work is their main source of living. According to Bangladesh Bureau of statistics (BBS), the per capita income of Bangladesh has reached to USD 2,554.00 in fiscal 2020-21. Through adapting the newer form of banking services such as online banking and mobile banking, Bangladeshi banks already took progressive steps towards modern banking attributes. But, in order to serve the large unbanked mainly rural people, who are deficient of appropriate education, access to internet and branch banking service, the agent banking is the appropriate solution for them. The way latest technologies and services are invented and implemented every day to serve the bank customers, it is the high time to adopt and disseminate the agent banking method among rural and remote places in Bangladesh in order to bring in more customers and provide them excellent support with minimum fuss. In this way, agent banking can be a prime solution to serve the large unbanked rural people I Bangladesh and they can be benefitted by obtaining a personalized bank account, secure money transfers and a complete financial solution. It will also help to grow the Banking industry if Bangladesh in more positive and progressive way

  • To be the standout brand ambassador of GIB through Agent Banking services in the market through excellence and conformity with highest stature of ethical and moral practices with integrity.
  • Build confidence and faith through service excellence.
  • Create and uphold social awareness with ethical practices with transparency.
  • Become integral part in the banking/financial sector through betterment of value creation.
  • Make a mark and put a footprint of impartial excellence in providence through enlightenment of satisfactory service standards by reaching the furthest corner of Bangladesh.

Success Story of Brazil:
Agent Banking has worked wonders in several developing countries in different parts of the world like Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Malaysia, Kenya etc. Agent banking has been revolutionary inclusion in the financial system of Brazil.
In the early 2000’s about a quarter of Brazil lacked access to formal financial services which has been mitigated to a great extent after introduction of this mechanism. As reported by the Banco Central do Brasil, the central bank of Brazil, since the introduction of agent banking 12 million current accounts were opened across the agency banking network within only three years and the total amount of transaction reached USD 2.6 billion reflecting the necessity of such service.

Success Story of Columbia and Peru:
Columbia and Peru also turned to the mechanism. Although in Columbia the bank branches covered 73 percent of the municipality, the agent banking helped raise the coverage of nearly 100 percent.
In 2009 the total numbers of transactions in Peru and Columbia were USD 67 million and USD 29 million respectively which were quite big compared to the size of their respective economy.
Agent banking in all three countries has been most successful in easing payments made by different households such as utility bills, taxes etc. As data suggest, such payments account for more than 70 percent of the total transaction in remote areas.

Success Story of Malaysia and Kenya:
Malaysia implemented agent banking under the guide lines of the Bank Negara Malaysia, in early 2012. By the end of 2012, 4120 agents deployed and it crossed 5,000 agents by 2014.
The rate of financial inclusion in the sub-district of Mukims in Malaysia was less than 50 percent before the introduction of agent banking b, but now this rate has increased up to 75 percent.
Agent banking was first implemented in Kenya in 2010, when 32 percent of their total population lacked access to financial services. After launching agent banking, 10,000 agents have been licensed to supplements. Within 2011, the total transactions in terms of value rose to USD 24 million and the financial exclusion was reduced significantly.


Bangladesh Bank has introduced agent banking in the country through issuing a guideline in 2013. The main purpose is to provide a safe alternate delivery channel of banking services to the under-privileged, under-served population who generally live in geographically remote location that are beyond the reach of the traditional banking networks. Banks can deliver a variety of banking services including savings, loans, remittances, and various payment services (such as utility bills, taxes, government transfer benefits) to the customers through an agent. This model is thus, gaining popularity as a cost-effective delivery channel as well as a convenient way of providing banking services going proximate to the mass people who would otherwise have remained unbanked due to distant location. With a view to facilitating full-fledge agent banking, Bangladesh Bank has issued a comprehensive Prudential Guidelines for Agent banking Operation in Bangladesh in 2017, covering approval process, permissible activities, responsibilities of both banks and agents, AML/CFT requirements, supervision and monitoring mechanism, customer protection mechanism, business continuity plan etc.

Table 1: Brief Overview of Agent Activities

                                              Deposit, loan and remittance are in BDT lacs







Y-to-Y Q-to-Q
No. of Banks with License 28 28 28 0 0
No. of Banks in Agent Banking 23 27 28 5 1
No. of Agents 8,764 12,345 12,912 47.33% 4.59%
No. of Outlets 12,449 16,421 17,145 37.72% 4.41%
No. of Accounts 73,58,190 1,10,22,646 1,22,05,358 65.87% 10.73%
No. of Female Accounts 34,10,270 50,74,739 56,75,329 66.42% 11.83%
Number of Rural Accounts 63,77,457 95,57,403 1,05,39,163 65.26% 10.27%
Amount of Deposits 10,22,021.00 17,82,238.58 20,37,928.34 99.40% 14.35%
Amount of Loan Disbursed 72,054.00 2,50,100.51 3,18,628.60 342.21% 27.40%
Amount of Inward Remittance 26,65,059.00 58,39,909.49 67,95,404.46 154.98% 154.98%
This quarterly report summarizes the latest state of the agent banking operations in Bangladesh as of June 2021 along with the progress since March 2021 and June 2020. It focuses on the coverage scenario, customer penetration, collection of deposit, ratio of male and female accounts, disbursement of loan and amount of inward remittances through agent banking.

           Appendix-1: Bank-wise Number of Agents and Outlets

No. of Agents No. of Outlets
Sl No. Bank Name Urban Rural Total Urban Rural Total
1 Bank Asia Limited 358 4180 4538 395 4272 4667
2 NRB Commercial Bank Limited 24 557 581 32 562 594
3 Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited 484 429 913 824 3797 4621
4 Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited 52 293 345 51 461 512
5 Modhumoti Bank Limited 0 421 421 0 421 421
6 Social Islami Bank Limited 10 157 167 11 167 178
7 Standard Bank Limited 2 24 26 2 24 26
8 First Security Islami Bank Limited 0 58 58 0 58 58
9 Agrani Bank Limited 26 374 400 26 374 400
10 Mutual Trust Bank Limited 50 124 174 50 135 185
11 Midland Bank Limited 19 47 66 16 64 80
12 United Commercial Bank Limited 32 153 185 32 153 185
13 The City Bank Limited 271 1007 1278 278 1018 1296
14 AB Bank Limited 39 85 124 49 102 151
15 Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited 146 2265 2411 146 2265 2411
16 The Premier Bank Limited 16 21 37 40 60 100
17 NRB Bank Limited 3 315 318 3 317 320
18 BRAC Bank Limited 132 361 493 129 423 552
19 Eastern Bank Limited 6 22 28 6 23 29
20 One Bank Limited 43 56 99 44 58 102
21 Mercantile Bank Limited 25 86 111 25 86 111
22 Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited 24 45 69 24 45 69
23 Exim Bank Limited 3 9 12 4 9 13
24 Padma Bank Limited 1 0 1 4 3 7
25 Jamuna Bank Limited 2 8 10 2 8 10
26 Prime Bank Limited 4 38 42 4 38 42
27 Global Islami Bank Limited 2 1 3 2 1 3
28 Meghna Bank Limited 0 2 2 0 2 2
Total 1709 11138 12912 2199 14946 17145

With the vision of portraying ourselves among the leading and a premier financial institution in the country, GIB Agent Banking launched Agent Banking Operation on 07 February,2O21, with two Master Agents in Dhaka City at Hazaribag and Banasree.

  • A/C Opening
  • Cash Deposit / Withdrawal
  • Fund Transfer (Internal)
  • Inward Foreign Remittance
  • Utility Bill Collection
  • Debit Card & Cheque book Request & Delivery
  • Payroll Management
  • SMS Banking & Internet Banking
  • Receiving Clearing Cheque
  • Loan Processing & Loan Recovery
  • Processing of Credit Card Facility
  • Generation of Mini Bank Statement
  • Any other activity as Bangladesh Bank may prescribe from time to time.

Types of Account:

  • GIB Al Wadeeeah Current Account
  • GIB Mudaraba Salary Savings Account
  • GIB Mudaraba Savings Account(MSA)
  • GIB Mudaraba Savings Account(Staff)
  • GIB Mudaraba Freshers Savings Account
  • GIB Mudaraba Perfect Savings Account
  • GIB Mudaraba Farmers Savings Account
  • GIB Mudaraba Queen Savings Account
  • GIB Mudaraba Short Notice Deposit
  • GIB Mudaraba Junior Savings Account
  • GIB Mudaraba Swadesh Savings Account
  • New Customer Joint Account Opening
  • New Corporate Account Opening

Deposit Products:

  • GIB Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit-06 months
  • GIB Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit-12 months
  • GIB Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit-36 months
  • GIB Mudaraba Monthly Profit Deposit-100 days
  • Mudaraba Term Deposit 03 months
  •  Mudaraba Term Deposit 06 months
  • Mudaraba Term Deposit 12 months
  • Mudaraba Term Deposit 14 months
  • Mudaraba Term Deposit 24 months
  • Mudaraba Term Deposit 36 months
  • GIB Mudaraba Double Benefit Parent
  • Mudaraba Term Deposit 01 month

Installment Deposit: 

  • GIB Mudaraba Lakhpoti Scheme-10Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Lakhpoti Scheme-15Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Millionaire Sch-03Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Millionaire Sch-05Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Millionaire Sch-10Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Millionaire Sch-15Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Lakhpoti Scheme-05Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Deposit Pension Sc-03Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Deposit Pension Sc-05Y
  •  GIB Mudaraba Deposit Pension Sc-08Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Deposit Pension Sc-10Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Kotipoti Scheme-03Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Kotipoti Scheme-05Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Kotipoti Scheme-10Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Kotipoti Scheme-15Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Lakhopoti Scheme-03Y
  • GIB Mudaraba Hajj Deposit Scheme

Upcoming Products and Services:

  • Disbursement of Retail & Microcredit through Agent Banking
Schedule of Charges for Global Islami Bank Agent Banking: For All Agents and Customers
Types of Transaction                                                                                
Customer Charge Fees Sharing
1. Cash Deposit Agent portion Bank Portion
1.1.    Cash deposit at own Agent outlet Nil N/A N/A
1.2.    Cash deposit at other Agent outlet 0.25% (Min Tk. 10 to Max. Tk. 200) 100% (Acquirer)
1.3.    Cash deposit in Agent Banking Account at Branch Nil N/A N/A
1.4.    Cash deposit in Branch Account (CBS) at  Agent outlet 0.15% (Min Tk. 10 to Max. Tk. 200) 100%
2. Cash Withdrawal
       2.1. Cash withdrawal from own Agent outlet Nil N/A N/A
       2.2. Cash withdrawal from other Agent outlet 0.25% (Min Tk. 10 to Max. Tk. 200) 100% (Acquirer)
       2.3. Cash withdrawal from Branch Nil N/A N/A
       2.4. Cash withdrawal Branch Account (CBS) at  Agent outlet 0.25% (Min Tk. 10 to Max. Tk. 200) 100% (Acquirer)
Cash withdrawal from ATM:
       2.4.1. Own ATM Nil N/A N/A
       2.4.2. Q –Cash ATM (Other than GIB) *Tk. 10 + VAT 100%
       2.4.3. NPSB ATM *Tk. 15 + VAT 100%
3. Fund Transfer
      3.1. Fund Transfer at own outlet Nil N/A N/A
       3.2  Fund Transfer at other Agent outlet 0.25% (Min Tk. 10 to Max. Tk. 200) 100% (Acquirer)
       3.3. Fund Transfer from ABS A/C to CBS A/C 0.25% (Min Tk. 10 to Max. Tk. 200) 100% (Acquirer)
      3.4. Fund Transfer from CBS A/C to ABS A/C Nil N/A N/A
       3.5. Fund Transfer to other Bank Account
*PER BEFTN Tk.50 & RTGS Tk.150 *PER BEFTN tk.25 & RTGS Tk.50 *PER BEFTN tk.25 & RTGS Tk.100
4. Utility Bill Commission
        4.1. Utility Bill Collection Nil N/A N/A
5. Account Opening Commission
        5.1. Per A/C Opening Tk. 50
(Per CASA Bank Cost)
(Customer Initial Dep. Min Tk. 100)
Types of Transaction    
Customer Charge Fees Sharing
6. Card (EMV VISA Card) Agent portion Bank Portion
      6.1  ATM Card Yearly Fee *Tk. 500 + VAT Tk. 20
Tk. 20
Tk. 10
      6.2  ATM Card Replacement Fee *Tk. 500 + VAT
      6.3  PIN Re-issuance Fee *Tk. 100 + VAT
7. Account Maintenance Charge 
(Half Yearly Basis)   
       7.1 Mudaraba Saving Deposit A/C:
a)   Balance up to Tk. 5,000/-
Types of Transaction
  Customer Charge Fees Sharing
Agent portion Bank Portion
b)   Balance up to Tk. 5,001- Tk. 25,000 *Tk. 100 + VAT Tk. 50 Tk. 50
c)   Balance Tk. 25,001 – onwards *Tk.. 300 + VAT Tk. 150 Tk. 150
       7.2 Al Wadiah Current Deposit & MSND A/C *Tk. 500 + VAT Tk. 250 Tk. 250
8. Cheque
         8.1 Cheque Book Issuance Fee As per Bank SOC Tk. 10
         8.2. Issue of new cheque book in case of lost one As per Bank SOC Tk. 10
         8.3 Clearing Cheque Receive (A/C Payee)
            8.3.1 At GIB Branch
            8.3.2 At Agent Outlet
9. Foreign Remittance
        9.1. Foreign Remittance through PIN 2% (Min Tk. 20 to Max. Tk. 50) 100%
10. Customer Mobile APPS Initiated Payments
         10.1 Fund Transfer
            10.1.1 ABS to ABS
            10.1.2 ABS to CBS
       10.2. Balance Enquiry
       10.3. Search Transaction
       10.4. Mobile Recharge
       10.5. Utility Payments
11. Float Sharing
       11.1. Mudaraba Saving Deposit Account (P.A) As per Bank SOC 2.5%
        11.2.  Al Wadiah Current Account (P.A) As per Bank SOC 2.5%
        11.3.  Al Wadiah (SND) Current Account (P.A) As per Bank SOC 2.5%
        11.4. MTDR Term Deposit (P.A) As per Bank SOC 1%
       11.5. Mudaraba Deposit Scheme (P.A) As per Bank SOC 0.5%
  1. Charges may vary time to time as per changes made by the concerned Authority/Departments (All Commission amount calculation excluding VAT & AIT. (Islamic Banking)
  2. Any Profit rate will be determined as per the approved ALCO rate from time to time
  3. In distributing commission on mobilized deposits which will be paid to the concerned Agent on monthly basis, on the basis of every day calculation (total customer deposit amount of the day * 2.5% /360) of each day’s balance of every account.
  4. Since we don’t give any profit to customers of Al- Wadiah Current Account, the IBTA earnings will be intact, from where we can allow 2.5% profit to the concerned Agent to encourage them to hunt cost free deposits as well as for their survival.
  5. Though the MTDR profit rate is high, we propose to share profit on deposited amount * 1%/360 as per the market practice
  6. Though the MDS profit rate is high, we propose to share profit on deposited amount * 0.5%/360 as per the market practice
  7. The ATM Card Annual Fee May be revised on the basis of campaign from time to time

The bank reserves the right to assess commission structure with agent, which are not covered by this schedule and to amend without prior notice the terms & conditions or rate stated in this schedule

  • Sole Proprietor With Valid Trade License
  • Partnership Concern Registered Through R.J.S.C
  • Companies Registered Under The Companies Act, 1994
  • MFIs Regulated By Microcredit Regulatory Authority Of Bangladesh
  • NGOs Registered With Social Welfare Directorate
  • Societies Registered Under The Societies Registration Act, 1860
  • Co-operative Societies Formed And Controlled/Supervised Under The Co-operative Society Act, 2001
  • Government Offices Having Branches / Unit Offices
  • Courier And Mailing Service Companies Registered Under Ministry Of Posts & Telecommunications
  • Agents Of Mobile Network Operators That Fulfils The Eligibility Criteria
  • Local Government Institutions
  • Union Digital Centre (UDC)
  • Agents Of Insurance Companies That Fulfil The Eligibility Criteria
  • Any Business Entities Having Trade License From Eligible Authorities
  • Any Other Entity Which Bangladesh Bank May Prescribe Or Authorize
  • Duly Filled-up Application Form
  • Two Passport Size Photos
  • Valid Photo ID Card of Applicant (NID / Passport)
  • Bank Solvency Certificate
  • Bank Statement
  • Tin Certificate
  • CIB Report
  • Proposed Agent Outlet Photographs
SL. Division District Name, Address & Contact Number of Agent Outlets
1 Dhaka Dhaka Hazaribag Outlet
Ahnaf Trading
46/2, Baddanagar lane, Hazaribag, Dhaka-1205.
Mobile: +88 01715015817
2 Dhaka Dhaka Banasree Outlet
Amari Holdings Ltd.
H-13,3rd floor, Main road, Block-C, Banasree, Rampura, Dhaka-1219.
Mobile: +88 01718248464
3 Dhaka Tangail Dariapur Outlet
Saima Enterprise
Vill: Ziner Bazar, P.O: Dariyapur, P.S:Shokhipur, Dist:Tangail-1920.
Mobile: +88 01794-793261
4 Rajshahi Bogura Shonatola Outlet
Al-Zerin Tours & Travels
Baluahat Bazar, Shonatola, Bogura.
Mobile:+88 01746-697180
5 Chattogram Feni Sharshadi Bazar Outlet
Pakiza Enterprise
Sharshadi Bazar, P.O: Sharshadi P.S: Feni Sadar-3902 Dist: Feni
Mobile:+88 01824469103
6 Dhaka Dhaka Ulon Outlet
S. M. Trade
26/3, Ulon Road, Rampura, Hatirjheel, Dhaka 1219.
Mobile:+88 01723006364, +88 01727389162
7 Dhaka Tangail Karatia Bazar Outlet
M/S M.R Builders
Nothkhola, Karatia, Basail ,Tangail.
Mobile:+88 01772982811
8 Rajshahi Chapainawabganj Chataidubi Hat Outlet
M/S Taseen Enterprise
Chataidubi Hat, Islampur Union, Chapainawabganj
Mobile:+88 01756560000
9 Rajshahi Chapainawabganj Noyagola Hat Outlet
M/S Taseen Enterprise
Noyagola Hat, Chapainawabganj Sadar-
Mobile:+88 01756560000
10 Dhaka Narayanganj Kashipur Outlet
Rup Mohoni
Middle Narsingpur, Kashipur Union, PO: Fatullah-
1400, PS: Fatullah, Dist: Narayanganj.
Mobile: :+88 01925632299
11 Dhaka Narsingdi Brahmondi Outlet
Narsingdi Trade Center
92/3, West Brahmondi, Narsingdi Sadar-1602,
Mobile: :+88 01911743646
12 Rajshahi Chapainawabganj Rehaichor Outlet
M/S. Haque Enterprise
Ward No: 13, Holding: 467, Rehaichor, Tikrampur, Chapainawabganj Pouroshova, Chapainawabganj.
Mobile: :+88 01715913424
13 Rajshahi Pabna Shibpur Bazar Outlet
M/S. Mohammadia Store
Ward No: 08, Vill: Shibpur, PO: Debattor-6610, PS: Atgharia, District: Pabna.
Mobile: :+88 01715738113
14 Rangpur Dinajpur Hili Agent Outlet
M/S. Khan Motors
Ward No: 04, Vill: Basudebpur, PO: Bangla Hili Bazar-5270, PS: Hili, District: Dinajpur.
Mobile: :+88 01717726770
15 Chattogram Noakhali Rahimganj Bazar Agent Outlet.
Global Market Ltd.
Vill: Ramnarayanpur, Mollica Dighir Par, Ward No: 04, PO: Kollayannogor-3870, PS: Chatkhil, District: Noakhali.
Mobile: :+88 01633030105
16 Chattogram Cumilla Sreemontapur Bazar Agent Outlet.
M/S Chowdhury Enterprise
Sreemontapur Bazar, Chandina, Cumilla
17 Dhaka Dhaka Uttar Basabo Agent Outlet.
Shopping window
110, North Basabo, PS: Sabujbagh, District: Dhaka.
Mobile: :+88 01977-701701
18 Rajshahi Sirajganj Adachaki Agent Outlet
M/S Hasan Enterprise
High School Road, Vill: Adachaki, PO: Adachaki, Upozila: Belkuchi, District: Sirajganj
Mobile: +88 01300-454532
19 Rangpur Dinajpur Choker Hat Agent Outlet
M/S Animal Drug Store & Feed House
Choker Hat Bazar, Vill: South Bishnopur, Ward: 07, union: Palashbari, PO: Palashbari-5210, PS: Birol, District: Dinajpur
Mobile: +88 01724-628730
20 Chattogram Cox’s Bazar Garzania Bazar Agent Outlet
MO Enterprise
Garzania Bazar, Vill: Jangchari, Ward no: 05, PO: Garzania Bazar- 4660, Union: 3 no. Kaccapia, PS: Ramu, Dist: Cox’s Bazar.
Mobile: +88 01713-602533

Agent Banking Division
Global Islami Bank Limited

Corporate Office (Annexed Building)
Rashid Tower (14th Floor), House No-11,
Road No- 18, Gulshan 1, Dhaka-1212.

Phone: +88 09617176037, Ext-673
Mobile: +88 01955500732, +88 01730325809
Email: info@globalislamibankbd.com
Web: www.globalislamibankbd.com
Call Center: 16671 or (from Overseas: +88) 096100 16671