Global Islami Bank formally opened its four sub-branches at different regions of the country on January 27, 2022. Among them two sub-branches at Diabari and Aftab Nagar of Dhaka, one each at Reajuddin Bazar of Chattogram and Parulia Bazar of Satkhira. Syed Habib Hasnat, Managing Director of the Bank has virtually inaugurated the operation of the sub-branches as Chief Guest. Additional Managing Director Kazi Mashiur Rahman Jayhad, Deputy Managing Directors Ataus Samad and Sami Karim, Divisional Heads from Head Office, Branch Managers, Sub-Branch In-charges and distinguished clients were also present on the occasion.
It was expected that through the latest technological support, the Bank will provide quality service to the customers & will expand its network at home & abroad to provide ‘Banking with Faith’ to its stakeholders.