Mr. Mohammed Nurul Amin
Independent Director & Chairman
Mr. Mohammed Nurul Amin has been appointed as an Independent Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank on August 27, 2024 through the reconstitution of the Board of the Bank by Bangladesh Bank.
He was born on January 22, 1954. He completed his graduation in BA (Hons.) and Masters in Economics from University of Dhaka in 1974. He started his career in Janata Bank as Senior Officer in 1977.
Mohammed Nurul Amin is a proven leader in Banking industry. He served as Managing Director & CEO of NCC Bank PLC and Meghna Bank PLC for about 13 years. His career spans more than 40 years with experiences in all aspects of Bank. Mr. Amin has a proven record of accomplishments in banking and financial institutions that met departmental goals and objectives. He held the positions of Chairman at Association of Bankers’ Bangladesh Ltd. (ABB), Chairman, Primary Dealers Bangladesh Ltd. (PDBL) and Chairman, Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers Associations (BAFEDA). He is the only CEO of banks who held the position of Chairman of these 3 organizations of banking professionals. He is a Life Member of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, Bangladesh Economic Associations (BEA), Rotary International. He served as Independent Director & Chairman of FAS Finance and Investment Ltd. Before joining as Chairman of Global Islami Bank PLC.
Mr. Amin has obtained extensive training at home and abroad on banking sector having attended Leadership and Innovation Workshop Program at Columbia Business School, University of Columbia, New York, USA in 2012. He also received Diploma Certification from University of Oxford and University of Cambridge, UK on strategic Leadership Programs earlier. Earlier, he completed month-long course on ‘’Investment Banking” in 1988 sponsored by Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Jakarta, Indonesia.