Prof. Abu Hena Reza Hasan

Independent Director

Prof. Abu Hena Reza Hasan has been appointed as an Independent Director of the Board of Directors of the Bank on August 27, 2024 through the reconstitution of the Board of the Bank by Bangladesh Bank.

He is a prominent academician of the University of Dhaka.

Mr. Hasan is an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship in Daffodil International University. Previously, He was Associate Professor of the Department of International Business of the University of Dhaka.

He was born in a respectable Muslim family in the country. Apart from teaching and research activities, he successfully served in many administrative positions, such as Teaching, Research, Administrative Responsibilities, Consultancy, Liaison with Foreign Agencies, Knowledge support to agricultural policies of Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Bangladesh, Corporate Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Pharma Division Operations, Maintaining and Operating Management Information System, Administrative support to divisional chief as Staff Officer.

He attended many workshops and seminars arranged by national and international organizations at home and aboard. He has traveled widely in different countries of the world.